Friday, October 16, 2009

Wild Website Project

For our website project Pasha and I decided to focus on illegal immigration, using Pat Mora's poem, "La Migra". Pasha explained perfectly in his blog why he chose the this topic. My reason is just that I found it interesting, a very highly debated topic. Pasha made a clear outline for us which made it much easier. We have a home page, the poem itself, the analazation of the 2 parts of the poem (we are not taking a side, so we thought it would be important to focus on both). Pasha did the side of the patrol officer, and I the Mexican woman. Then we have a Biography of Pat Mora, then 4 different pages of information using a couple books and articles as references, and of course a bibliography and about us page. The book I'm using as one of my references is called Underground America: Narratives of Undocumented Lives, By Peter Orner. It has stories about real immigrants. I've only read a few of the stories but it is really good!
Pasha had a really good idea on how not to make it look like we're taking a side, alternate the information from the border patrol and the immigrants, something he learned in his psychology class. If you read his blog he explains it. Since we're all giving presentations there's no point in giving too much away, so I'll stop here. I'm meeting Pasha one more time today to go over the website and make sure we have everything, so I'll post the URL later.

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